El gurú de Photoshop, Trevor Morris, se ha molestado en organizar en completísimos PDF los atajos de teclado.
Sabemos que podemos editar los existentes y crear nuestros propios conjuntos de atajos en ficheros (.kys). También podemos verlos en un txt pero desde luego os recomiendo que veáis lo bien organizados que están estos PDF y si queréis os descarguéis los conjuntos que él ha creado con algunos modificaciones sobre el que trae Photoshop por defecto.
Un ejemplo: todos los ajustes del menú Imagen como Ctrl + L que es el de Niveles lo cambia a una nueva capa de ajuste de niveles, mucho más operativo para un retoque no destructivo.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 ![New!]()
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (July 6, 2007)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into four pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key.
Download for: PC (43 KB) or
Mac (42 KB)
Keyboard Shortcuts Presets (June 23, 2007)
This keyboard shortcuts (KYS) file includes dozens of extra shortcuts for commonly used commands (all documented in the above cheat sheet). Installation instructions are included in the ZIP file.
Download for: PC/Mac (3 KB)
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Nov 13, 2005)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into four pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key.
Download for: PC (51 KB) or
Mac (50 KB)
Keyboard Shortcut Presets (Nov 13, 2005)
This package includes Keyboard Shortcuts (KYS), Menu Customization (MNU), and Workspace files, containing dozens of extra shortcuts for commonly used commands (all documented in the above cheat sheet). Installation instructions are included in the ZIP file.
Download for: PC/Mac (9 KB)
Adobe Photoshop CS
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Mar 3, 2005)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into two pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key.
Download for: PC (49 KB) or
Mac (49 KB)
Keyboard Shortcuts Presets (Mar 3, 2005)
This keyboard shortcuts (KYS) file includes dozens of extra shortcuts for commonly used commands (all documented in the above cheat sheet). 100% compatable with default keyboard shortcuts. Installation instructions are included in the ZIP file.
Download for: PC/Mac (2 KB)
Adobe Photoshop 7
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (May 5, 2002)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into two pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key.
Download for: PC (32 KB)
Adobe Photoshop 6
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Feb 17, 2002)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into two pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key.
Download for: PC (31 KB)
Adobe Photoshop 5
Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Jul 25, 2000)
All keyboard shortcuts organized into two pages, by menu, as well as alphabetically by key. (Created by Steven.)
Download for: PC (74 KB)
Related Links and Useful Resources
Keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw 3 are also available from PhotoshopNews (courtesy of Ian Lyons, Computer-Darkroom ).
Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts | Trevor Morris Photographics
muy bueno el post. Gracias por el aporte. thanks.
salut a vous j’ai vus vos cours pour les racoucirs du clavier mais je pas pus les esploiter car il sont tous en englais
! Excelente.¡ Gracias