Historias verídicas en la bandeja de entrada

En la web thinkbeforeyousend (Piénsalo antes de enviar) recopilan e-mails que recibidos o enviados merecen la pena compartir. Los usuarios cuentan la vergí¼enza que pasaron al enviar un e-mail a la persona equivocada, e-mails malinterpretados, historias curiosas de este nuevo canal de comunicación así­ncrona que no deja marcha atrás una vez pulsado «Enviar».


La web es una mala metáfora de un gestor de correos, aunque también disponen de un blog, está en inglés pero las historias son universales.

Un ejemplo:

A woman was out of the office for a week. During that week, sadly, one of her colleagues «” let»™s call him Joe «” suffered a terrible loss. His father died after a long illness. Joe informed all his co-workers by email. Then Joe left for a few days «” so that he could start making the preparations for his father»™s funeral. Many of his colleagues wanted to know when and where the funeral would be held «” so that they could come and pay their respects. Emails bounced around under the heading, «Joe»™s Funeral.» When the woman who was out of the office returned, she came in early to catch up, turned on her office computer, and starting reading her emails. And she did what most of us do «” she read the most recent emails first, so she didn»™t waste time reading about problems that had already been solved. Of course, she came across, «Joe»™s Funeral» and got a terrible shock, thinking her colleague Joe had died while she was away.

She did in fact figure out quickly that it was Joe»™s father who had died, not Joe. But imagine if she hadn»™t «” and had then seen Joe in the hallway before she figured it out?

La traducción es más o menos serí­a esta:

El padre de Joe murió y sus compañeros de oficina se mandaron e-mails informando sobre el funeral. Una mujer que estaba de baja ajena a todo, cuando volvió a la oficina y revisó su correo, lógicamente empezó por el más reciente cuyo Asunto era «El funeral de Joe», creyendo que su compañero Joe era el que habí­a fallecido.

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