Nuevo número de Adobe Magazine | Adobe Magazine for Creative Professionals

Aunque todaví­a no está disponible la traducción a españo l ya podéis descargaros el número de Febrero en ingles. Un estupendo pdf interactivo con ví­deotutoriales, entrevistas, reseñas, artí­culos, utilidades para todo creativo. En la página 34 tenéis unas palabras que les dediqué por su buen trabajo.

Descargar Adobe Magazine for Creative Professionals

Adobe Magazine for Creative Professionals covers international design trends in print, web, video, digital imaging, and type, especially focusing on stories where these categories converge, break boundaries, and expand. It focuses on work that»™s breaking new ground and it delivers an insider»™s perspective on how the work was created»”so readers get creative inspiration as well as practical techniques to enhance their own projects.

Design is a vision, a person’s interpretation of the world, their everyday life, and how they absorb. It is a unique art form that journeys from vastness to fruition and at times, back to vastness. In this issue, Gerwin Schmidt, our guest designer, challenges us to remember this and keep our eyes, minds, and hearts open. Read on, and challenge design ideas in order to inspire others to reexamine their own perspectives on art and life.
3D racecars, watercolor architecture, microcosmic bacteria, and other surprises.
Explore the concepts,
processes, and detailed
complexity of landscape
designers and architects that
are pushing the boundaries of
the digital world.

Talent for Good
Get the scoop from seven diverse designers on combining creative inspiration and civic responsibility.
Awakening the Web
Explore the new UNIQLOCK site, and see how the creativity of Tokyo based Projector thrives in a world of technological restrictions.
New Interactive Spaces
Watch New York based FeedTank encourage people to think creatively by building public interactive experiences.

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